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AAMT email discussion list

Since 1997, AAMT has operated a list-serve to assist the wider mathematics education community.

The list enables members to share information and discuss issues – ranging from teaching tips and resources through to lengthy, thoughtful discussions of important matters of pedagogy and educational politics

It operates as an email discussion list (using Google Groups), and anyone can join (not just AAMT members).

Any member of the list can contribute a message, and all members receive all messages sent to the list.

Traffic on the list varies over time and according to member engagement with particular topics, but is not usually high-volume.

You can join the list in several ways:

Emails will arrive with [AAMT discussion] pre-pended to the subject.

If you wish to do so, you can contribute to and follow discussions (and archived discussion) through the Groups site like a bulletin board (a Google account is required to do this).