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2018 MAT Conference

MAT Conference 2018 - Flyer - Keynotes + Invited Speaker - with AMC logo - pre-conf

REGISTER NOW: http://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/mat-conference-2018-tickets-43469737154 (EXTENDED!! Closes 5pm, Tuesday 14th August 2018)



Events, Dates, Venues - Image
Keynote Speakers - Image for Website


Early Career Mathematics Teachers' Day

The conference will be preceded on Friday 17th August by the Early Career Mathematics Teachers' Day (for pre-service, graduate, beginning and out-of-area Mathematics teachers), from 8:30am until 3:30pm at The Tramsheds Function Centre (Inveresk). There is a package deal for early career teachers to attend the entire conference (including the Early Career Mathematics Teachers' day, both keynotes, the dinner and the concurrent workshops).

REGISTERhttp://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/mat-conference-2018-tickets-43469737154 (EXTENDED!! Closes 5pm, Tuesday 14th August 2018)


MAT Conference 2018 - Costs




  • Conference Convenor: Greg Oates (greg.oates@utas.edu.au)
  • Registrations and Early Career Mathematics Teachers' Day: Emily Peterson (emily.peterson@education.tas.gov.au)
  • Workshop Presenters and Trade Displays: Lauren Beams (lauren.beams@education.tas.gov.au)

MAT Conference Committee, 2018: Greg Oates, Lauren Beams, Tracey Muir, Emily Peterson and Nathan Peterson