Home > Make It Count 2 > Clusters > Gladstone
3. Gladstone
The Gladstone Cluster is made up of five schools – three high schools and two primary schools. Gladstone South State School is the Cluster Key School and is a P-7 school with approximately 290 students with 16% Indigenous enrolment. It is located in a low socio-economic area in Gladstone. Most students attend Toolooa State High School for their secondary education.
- Toolooa State High School is a secondary school catering for approximately 800 students from years 8 – 12 with 10% Indigenous enrolment
- Gladstone State High School is a secondary school which caters for approximately 1200 students from years 8 – 12 with 8% Indigenous enrolment
- Tannum Sands State School is a P-7 school with approximately 750 students with 6% Indigenous. Almost all students attend Tannum Sands State High School after year 7
- Tannum Sands State High School is a secondary school with approximately 950 students with 4% Indigenous.
The schools have a history of working together in mathematics education and the project built on the existing relationships between the schools.
Cluster focus
Will investigative approaches to teaching and learning mathematics improve engagement of Indigenous learners in the middle years?
Cluster findings
These Make it Count Cluster Findings have been aligned with the Australian Professional Standards for Teaching. Many of the findings derive from Significant Episodes for educators. Find out about the cluster's intentions and the important stories its educators - their Signficant Episodes - that impacted their teaching.
Units of learning
These units of learning have been designed by teachers. They give insights into creative and innovative ways of teaching mathematics that engages Indigenous (and non-Indigenous) learners.
Inspiring stories
These stories – from the clusters, from educators, Aboriginal students, leaders and parents – tell their journeys, challenges, successes and will inspire educators. They will help you think about your own experiences in the classroom, school and community and inform your teaching.