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The resources developed by Make It Count will help schools working at the intersection of Indigenous education and mathematics education. Resources include tools for collecting data, units of learning designed by our creative and innovative educators, and professional reading.

Units of learning

These units of learning have been designed by teachers and Aboriginal educators (in schools with Aboriginal education officers). They give insights into creative and innovative ways of teaching mathematics that engages Indigenous - and non-Indigenous - learners.


The Make it Count project developed and used a range of resources to help various aspects of the work in the schools and clusters. These became known as 'tools'. Several were found to be very useful and are available for you to use.

Professional reading

The following list provides resources, papers and articles supporting the work of Make It Count.

Significant episodes

A Significant Episode is an event, or a small series of linked events, that has impacted on educators professionally and has helped develop or change the way they teach and think about teaching.

Inspiring stories

These stories – from the clusters, from educators, Aboriginal students, leaders and parents – tell their journeys, challenges, successes and will inspire educators.They are linked to the Cluster Findings and are also downloadable (PDF).

Make It Count 2009-2012

Make It Count is an initiative that has developed evidence based, responsive mathematics pedagogies and resources to improve the learning outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners across Australia. Eight clusters of schools across regional and urban Australia participated in the project.