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About our world: Seasons and food

What are the months of the year? What are the seasons of the year?

Ask students to identify the different seasons that occur within the local region. Write the months of the year when the seasons occur on a board or display them for students to copy.

Discuss the common weather patterns during the seasons and how they affect lifestyle. Draw attention to the temperature and weather patterns during these seasons.

Discuss the current season of Spring.

What does the weather feel like? How hot is it? What does your family normally eat? What type of clothes do you need to wear? What activities do you do? What type of changes do you see in your local environment?

Students use the seasons recording chart to match months with seasons.

They then draw the different clothes they would wear, the foods they would eat, and the play they would engage in during those seasons. You could use the weather wear images worksheet for some suggested clothing choices. You may like to do this as a whole class, small group or individual activity.

At the end of the activity the class could come together to share responses. Take the activity further by creating a whole class pictograph.

Note: Due the Australia’s variety of climate, seasons vary. Choose seasons that are most relevant to your class.


Students could investigate Indigenous Australian seasons, differences in the seasons from another part of Australia, or seasons from another part of the world.

You can download the Seasons and food: Teacher notes.

Australian Curriculum Links

Year 1

Describe duration using months, weeks, days and hours (ACMMG021)

Choose simple questions and gather responses (ACMSP262)

Year 2

Create displays of data using lists, table and picture graphs and interpret them (ACMSP050)

Name and order months and seasons (ACMMG040) (investigating the seasons used by Aboriginal people, comparing them to those used in Western society and recognising the connection to weather patterns.)