Home > Topdrawer > Reasoning > Assessment > Designing tasks for assessing reasoning > Ability to predict
Ability to predict
One of the most powerful aspects of mathematics is the ability to predict. Prediction usually involves reasoning.
Long before students meet the idea of algebraic patterns and formulae, or series and sequences, they can learn to predict. Work with patterning and predicting in Number and Algebra is vital, but prediction can also be expected in Geometry and Measurement, as well as Statistics and Probability.
The Paper Folding activity, for example, allows teachers to assess students' abilities to predict, at various year levels.
Line of symmetry activities allow students to make predictions then receive immediate feedback.
Paper folding
This paper folding activity allows assessment of students' abilities to describe predictions, at many year levels and from simple to complex examples.
Symmetry resources
Symmetry activities can give students immediate feedback on their abilities to predict.
Folding online shapes
This digital symmetry activity gives students immediate feedback on their abilities to predict.