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This VCE study investigates algorithmics, a structured framework for solving real-world practical problems with computational methods. Algorithmics is fundamental to computer science and software engineering and is essential for understanding the technical underpinnings of the information society. Beyond its use in computing, algorithmics provides a general discipline of rational thought through the methodical way it approaches problem solving across
many different fields.

This study enables students to:

  • understand the mathematical foundations of computer science and software engineering
  • use symbolic representations and abstraction to formalise real-world information problems
  • design algorithms to solve practical information problems, using suitable abstract data types and algorithmic design patterns
  • introduction VCE Algorithmics (HESS) 2015–2016 5
  • investigate the efficiency and correctness of algorithms through formal analysis and empirically through implementation as computer programs 

Areas of Study

Unit 3: Algorithmic problem solving

Unit 4: Principles of algorithm design

Algorithmics Study Design

The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) have recently approved an Algorithmics course for students who wish to undertake this area of mathematics.