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2017 MAT Conference

Download the draft program here: 

Registrations for both the MAT Conference and the Early Career Mathematics Teachers Day close on 8th May. If you are late registering, please email Brett Stephenson (bstephenson@gyc.tas.edu.au) to ensure that we can cater for you, particularly if you have dietary requirements. To register, go to www.eventbrite.com.au/e/2017-mathematics-association-of-tasmania-conference-tickets-32419100402

The 2017 MAT Conference will take place in Hobart at the Police Academy (Rokeby) from 12th to 13th May. It will begin with a keynote address and dinner on the evening of Friday 12th May, followed by workshops and addresses on Saturday 13th May. The conference is proceeded by an Early Career Mathematics Teachers Day. We are privileged to have keynote speakers Derek Holton (Emeritus Professor of the University of Otago, NZ) and Helen Chick (Deputy Dean and Associate Professor in Mathematics Education, UTAS) presenting to us, including for the Early Career Mathematics Teachers Day. During the conference, we will announce the winners of the "What Does Infinity Look Like?" poster competition.

Friday 12th May:

8:30am                  Registration (Early Career Mathematics Teachers Day)

9:00am - 3:30pm    Early Career Mathematics Teachers Day (featuring Helen Chick and Derek Holton)


4:30pm                  Registration and Trade Displays (MAT Conference)

5:30pm - 6:30pm    MAT Conference Keynote Address (Derek Holton)

7:00pm                  MAT Conference Dinner

Saturday 13th May:

8:00am                  Registration and Trade Displays (MAT Conference - Saturday Only)

9:00am - 3:30pm    MAT Conference Keynote Address (Helen Chick) and Conference Workshops

(Prize draw at the end of the day on Saturday)


Conference Flyer:

Application Form for Presenters:

Derek Holton - A Short Bio:

This year, we also gave 10 lucky people a bursary to attend the MAT Conference! MAT Conference 2017 - Remote Area Bursary Application Form.docx 39.59 kB (Applications have now closed).


Conference - $180 members, $220 non-members and $80 workshop presenters

Saturday Only - $100 members, $140 non-members

Early Career Maths Teachers Day - $60 members, $80 non-members (not included in the conference cost).

Poster Competition Entries - FREE!

To register, go to www.eventbrite.com.au/e/2017-mathematics-association-of-tasmania-conference-tickets-32419100402

For more information about the Early Career Mathematics Teachers Day, click here. If you require further information, please email Emily Peterson (emily.peterson@education.tas.gov.au).


"What does Infinity Look Like?" Poster Competition

Exhibition and judging of the "What does Infinity Look Like?" Poster Competition will take place during the 2017 MAT Conference. Download the flyer here. Submit entries via email (either an electronic poster or a photograph/scan of a hard-copy poster) to nathan.peterson@soc.tas.edu.au.