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Home > Mathematical Association of Tasmania > Past Conferences > 2017 MAT Conference > Early Career Mathematics Teachers Day

Early Career Mathematics Teachers Day

MAT invites all early career Mathematics educators (pre-service, graduate, beginning, out-of-area) to a pre-conference workshop. The Early Career Mathematics Teachers Day will run from 8:30am - 3:30pm on Friday 12th May in Hobart at the Police Academy in Rokeby, prior to the main MAT conference. The aim of this day is to support early career Mathematics educators in becoming the best Mathematics educators that they can be. Sessions will cover decimals and fractions, intuition, problem solving, data and the reSolve program plus more! There will be an emphasis on using mathematically rich tasks and digital technologies. Presenters are of a very high calibre and include Derek Holton, Helen Chick, Greg Oates, Peter Fox, the reSolve team and Nathan & Emily Peterson.

COST: The day costs $60 for MAT/AAMT members and $80 for non-members.

TIMES: Please arrive at 8:30am to register. Sessions go from 9am - 3:30pm with catered lunch and morning tea breaks.

VENUE: The Police Academy, Rokeby.

REGISTRATION: Register via the MAT Conference Eventbrite link by clicking here.

For more information, please see the flyer below or contact Emily Peterson: emily.peterson@education.tas.gov.au.