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Cluster focus

How can we improve mathematical outcomes for urban Indigenous children in the Swan Valley Cluster?

Our research questions:

  1. What are the needs of this group of Indigenous children in the learning of mathematics?
  2. What factors impact these children's mathematics learning?
  3. What factors within the school context could be used to enhance children's learning of mathematics?

View the slideshow below to find out more about our Cluster focus and /or download this paper (PDF 143 kB) by the Cluster Critical Friends Professor Len Sparrow and Dr Chris Hurst from Curtin University.

Why we did it

Professional learning of Aboriginal and Islander Educator Officers and Education Assistants was an important step in the process.

How we did it

The cluster had four areas they focused on:

  1. Professional learning of Aboriginal and Islander Education Officers
  2. Teacher up-skilling
  3. High interest programs for students
  4. Education Assistants personal pedagogical growth in teaching mathematics.


Examples of results from our four focus areas are outlined: