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How we did it

The cluster had four areas they focused on:

  1. Professional learning of Aboriginal and Islander Education Officers
  2. Teacher up-skilling
  3. High interest programs for students
  4. Education Assistants personal pedagogical growth in teaching mathematics.

Our research questions:

  1. What are the needs of this group of Indigenous children in the learning of mathematics?
  2. What factors impact these children's mathematics learning?
  3. What factors within the school context could be used to enhance children's learning of mathematics?

Following consideration of the above common concerns and issues, a Cluster Plan was developed to address them. This plan also addressed the three research questions above. The main features of this plan, with examples of planned actions, are outlined below. Within the Cluster Plan, there was scope for each school to meet the specific needs of its own students within its own unique context.

Overview of outcomes and examples of planned actions Research question
Raise expectations for student learning
     –Targeted specific professional learning in expectations
     –Specific strategies to improve attendance rates
Question 2 related to factors on learning
Professional development of teaching and support staff
     –Shared professional learning and staff sharing across cluster
     –Targeted development of conceptual understanding
Question 3 related to school context factors
Increase parent involvement in educational program of schools
     –Extend concept of ‘family days’ with numeracy focus
     –Train parents to make resources and as classroom helpers
Question 3 related to school context factors
Increase student engagement
     –Embed concepts in high interest activities like sport, Indigenous art, and gardens
Question 2 related to factors on learning
Target specific aspects of curriculum that require development
     –Develop conceptual understanding rather than procedures
     –Develop mathematical literacy base to improve test literacy
Question 1 related to mathematical needs of children


View the slideshow below to find out more about what we did and how we did it.

AEIO and AE professional learning

The Cluster saw that the professional learning of Aboriginal and Islander education officers and education assistants was integral to improving mathematics learning outcomes of their students.