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Peter Grootenboer

Peter Grootenboer

Dr Peter Grootenboer is Senior Lecturer in Mathematics Education.

Peter worked in schools for 12 years as a teacher, senior teacher and Dean before moving into the tertiary sector. In 1997 he received a Jim Campbell Award – a national award for teaching excellence in mathematics in New Zealand. Peter completed his MEd and EdD through the University of Waikato focussing on mathematics education and educational leadership (staff development and appraisal). The main focus of Peter’s research has been on affective development in mathematics learning, and recently he has focussed more tightly on praxis development and identity, and mathematics pedagogy in Indigenous contexts.

Peter has experience as teacher, advisor, researcher and academic. He has worked extensively with schools in the areas of mathematics and numeracy learning, pedagogy and teaching, and curriculum leadership. Peter has conducted research in school-based professional development and he is able to facilitate and support programs that are designed to address local issues and foci.
