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Naming of the 8ways learning map

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8ways learning map

Orange Cluster
Orange Public School


Finding 3.1: Experiences
Design mathematical learning experiences that have family and community significance.


The naming of our 8ways Learning Pedagogy, ‘Yuranha Winhanganha’: Orange AECG (Aboriginal Education Consultative Group) President and Wiradjuri Elder, James Williams, assisted the Advisory Group in naming the Learning Map and endorsed our pedagogy. In bestowing this name, it gave authenticity to our Make It Count project and enhanced community engagement.

Comment by Principal, Toni MacDonald:

Going to the last AAMT conference when Tyson (Dr Tyson Yunkaporta, Critical Friend to the Orange Cluster) said, ‘This is not my 8ways of learning, this is the OPS 8ways of learning, because you have brought in the assessment component which was needed to make the education cycle complete’, - it was  just spine-tingling to hear that.


Some questions to prompt discussions with your colleagues:

  1. Toni, the principal’s response to Tyson’s word was ‘spine-tingling’. Why do you think this might be? What is the significance of this statement?
  2. How might the naming of the Learning Map by an Elder and AECG president
  3. have given their work ‘authenticity?’ What other interesting or important aspects are in this Significant Episode?

The 8ways learning cycle or map designed from the 8ways of Aboriginal learning pedagogy framework.

Naming of the 8ways learning map

Download the PDF file of this significant episode.