Media > TDT > Patterns
A repeating pattern.
Three examples of an ABB pattern.
Repeating pattern of coloured cubes.
Repeating pattern of heights.
Repeating pattern of coloured beads.
Repeating pattern of shapes.
Repeating pattern of music notes.
A triangle and a square.
Making a triangle into a square.
Making a square into a pentagon.
The Pentagon in Washington DC, USA.
The strip folded into three equal parts.
The strip folded into four equal parts.
Screen grab from L1064 Musical number patterns: odds and evens.© Education Services Australia, 2011
A growing pattern of square arrays.
How the pattern grows.
Screen grab from L494 Monster choir: Look and listen.© 2011 Education Services Australia
A Bee-Bot
Navigate your Bee-Bot around a treasure island.
A Brainpop Picture Maker activity.
A Brainpop Draw About It activity.
A BBC Number Patterns activity.
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