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Educator inspiring stories

Learners collaborating

"I needed to quickly find a way to re-engage Adam and turn this new negative behaviour around.“

What we got from our work

“By me seeing their work individually and building a relationship with them, their confidence grows. They are prepared to be wrong with me, but not with the rest of the class.”

My perceptions of the Make it Count project

“Teachers are enthusiastic about their teaching which encourages students to be the same towards their learning.”

Moving from "I can't" to "I can"

“I was amazed at how eager the children were to learn. They were researching at home, engaged in all lessons and excited about learning.”

Keira's reflection

“...students acquired new vocabulary to speak about their engagement, resilience and learning and were able to identify their own resilience when learning mathematically.”

Maths teacher collaborative pedagogy project

“...opportunity to learn new pedagogies which will become part of the way we teach maths at Claver.”

Mathematics which engages

“I noticed immediate results in student engagement.”

A personal reflection

“I often used to use the ‘old ways’ of doing maths.” 

Linking research and teaching

"The partnership of researchers and teachers that was established by Make it Count proved to have considerable effect on my teaching." 

Dani discusses her professional development in Make it Count

"In Make it Count Mona and I continue to engage regularly in discussions about the effectiveness of the lessons we collaboratively plan both from an academic perspective and from a cultural perspective.”

Homemade lemonade lesson

“This lesson is awesome! It’s so much better than doing worksheets!”

Numeracy in the news

"With the contextualised theme, he tends to be more involved and excited about his learning, particularly when he has the one-on-one support with a partner.”

My experiences with Maths Mob

“...my passion to help all students, particularly Aboriginal students learn has intensified.”


“Parents have also commented on how siblings are playing the games together at home with older children teaching skills to the younger children.”

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