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1 to 100 grid
Chart showing numbers from 1–100 arranged in rows of 10.
tdt_MC_1to100grid.pdf 202.01 kB
Adding Tens video transcript
This document contains the transcription of the video Adding Tens which explores good teaching about adding tens.
tdt_MC_addingtens_movie_script.pdf 172.94 kB
Array Flash video transcript
This document contains the transcription of the video Array Flash which explores good teaching using arrays.
tdt_MC_arrayflash_movie_script.pdf 155.18 kB
Back through Tens video transcript
This document contains the transcription of the video Back Through Tens which explores good teaching of the back-through-ten strategy.
tdt_MC_backthroughten_movie_script.pdf 184.98 kB
Blank multiplication fact grid
10 by 10 grid with numerals 1–10 along the first row and first column.
tdt_MC_blankmultiplicationfactgrid.pdf 118.11 kB
Differences video transcript
This document contains the transcription of the video Differences which explores good teaching when finding differences.
tdt_MC_differences_movie_script.pdf 164.90 kB
Different Divisions video transcript
This document contains the transcription of the video Different Divisions.
Equal additions video transcript
This document contains the transcription of the Equal Additions video which explores good teaching using pairs of numbers with the same differences.
tdt_MC_equaladditions_movie_script.pdf 200.95 kB
Facts and Models video transcript
This document contains the transcription of the video Facts and Models.
tdt_MC_factsandmodels_movie_script.pdf 144.78 kB
Jumping Strategies video transcript
This document contains the transcription of the video Jumping Strategies.
Masked Collections video transcript
This document contains the transcription of the Masked Collections video.
Multiplication fact grid
Table showing numbers from 0–100 arranged in rows of 10.
tdt_MC_multiplicationfactgrid.pdf 105.47 kB