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Renaming Tens with Addition video transcript
This document contains the transcription of the video Renaming Tens with Addition.
tdt_MC_renamingtensadd_movie_script.pdf 255.19 kB
Renaming Tens with Subtraction video transcript
This document contains the transcription of the video Renaming Tens with Subtraction.
tdt_MC_renamingtensub_movie_script.pdf 266.80 kB
Splitting Arrays video transcript
This document contains the transcription of the video Splitting Arrays.
tdt_MC_splittingarrays_movie_script.pdf 133.30 kB
Splitting Strategies video transcript
This document contains the transcription of the video Splitting Strategies.
Tens Frame Parking video transcript
This document contains the transcription of the video Tens Frame Parking which explores 'parking' ones when adding or subtracting.
tdt_MC_tensframeparking_movie_script.pdf 214.48 kB
Types of combined operations problems
This table contains examples of questions which use two operations. They appear in a 4 by 4 table. All combinations of the four operations are covered.
Up Through Tens video transcript
This document contains the transcription of the video Up Through Tens which explores good teaching of the up-through-tens strategy.
tdt_MC_upthroughtens_movie_script.pdf 202.10 kB
Using Tens Frames with Fingers video transcript
This document contains the transcription of the video Using Tens Frames with Fingers which explores the big idea of explaining number facts for addition and subtraction using tens frames.
tdt_MC_tensfingers_movie_script.pdf 132.95 kB
What Do I Know? game instructions slide presentation
Slide presentation of the rules for the What Do I Know? game.
tdt_MC_whatdoIknowinstructions.ppt 439.76 kB
What Do I Know? video transcript
This document contains the transcription of the video What Do I Know?
tdt_MC_whatdoiknow_movie_script.pdf 162.89 kB
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