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The Australian Mathematics Teacher

The Snowflake Curve, by Lambert, T. (AMT 1982)
Counting Squares and Cubes: Proof by Induction, by Duncan, D.R.; Litwiller, B.H. (AMT 1982)
Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers, by Cooper, M. (AMT 1982)
Mathematics in Nature - Grasping that Teachable Moment, by Grace, N.; Murray, S. (AMT 1982)
The Art of Mathematical Induction, by Scott, P. (AMT 1982)
The Calculator is killing off the Abacus, by Sik-Fai, M.L. (AMT 1982)
But the Answer's Wrong, by Kissane, B. (AMT 1982)
Computer Simulation Games in Mathematics Teaching, by Newell, G.J.; Pike, D.J. (AMT 1982)
How can the Microcomputer best aid Mathematics Teaching?, by Watson, J. (AMT 1982)
Treating Student Misconceptions, by Bell, A.W. (AMT 1982)
AAMT Presidential Address, by Carss, M.C. (AMT 1982)
Calculators in Mathematics: What the Research Says, by Prasad, B.S. (AMT 1982)
Mathematics Enrolment Patterns in Australian Secondary Schools: Male-Female Trends, by Dekkers, J.; Malone, J.R.; de Laeter, J.R.; Hamlett, B. (AMT 1982)
Mathematisation: The Universal Capability, by Wheeler, D. (AMT 1982)
Soap Film and Bubble Activities for the Upper Primary and Lower Secondary School Classroom, by Cross, J.M. (AMT 1982)
The Divine Ratio and Golden Rectangles, by Cooper, M. (AMT 1982)
Does Mathematics Count?, by Taffe, J. (AMT 1983)
Lies, Damned Lies and Lollies, by Mills, T.M. (AMT 1983)
Mathematics Enrolment Patterns in Australian Secondary Schools: Course Trends, by Dekkers, J.; Malone, J.; de Laeter, J.R.; Hamlett, B. (AMT 1983)
The Mathematical Modelling of the Creation of Credit, by Shannon, A.G. (AMT 1983)
To Mathematics via Computing, by Wilcox, J.F. (AMT 1983)
How Close is Good Enough?, by Calegari, J. (AMT 1983)
Rithmomachia - A Numbers Battle, by Shannon, A.G. (AMT 1983)
The Role of Geometry in the School Curriculum, by Bloom, W.R. (AMT 1983)
A Computer Simulation Game to Teach Curve-Fitting, by Newell, G.J.; MacFarlane, J.D. (AMT 1983)

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