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Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom

Gibberish or what?, by Quinnell, L.; Carter, M. (APMC 2013)
Young children's ideas about measurement, by MacDonald, A. (APMC 2013)
Developing 'algebraic thinking": two key ways to establish some early algebraic ideas in primary classroom, by Ormond, C. (APMC 2012)
Reasoning in the Australian Curriculum: Understanding its meaning and using the relevant language, by Clarke, D.M.; Clarke, D.J.; Sullivan, P. (APMC 2012)
Important ideas in mathematics: What are they and where do you get them?, by Clarke, D.M.; Clarke, D.J.; Sullivan, P. (APMC 2012)
Teachers' Planning Processes: Seeking Insights from Australian teachers, by Sullivan, P.; Clarke, D. M.; Albright, J.; Clarke, D. J.; Farrell, L.; Freebody, P.; Gerrard, J.; Michels, D. (APMC 2012)
Choosing tasks to match the content you are wanting to teach , by Sullivan, P.; Clarke, D.J.; Clarke, D.M. (APMC 2012)
Teacher decisions about planning and assessment in primary mathematics, by Sullivan, P.; Clarke, D.J.; Clarke, D.M (APMC 2012)
How do mathematics teachers decide what to teach? , by Clarke, D.J.; Clarke, D.M.; Sullivan, P. (APMC 2012)
Effective mathematics strategies for pre-school children with autism, by Su, H.F.H.; Lai, L.; Rivera, H.J. (APMC 2012)
Teaching with Technology, by Attard, C. (APMC 2012)
A mathematics and science trail, by Smith, K.; Fuentes, S. (APMC 2012)
Professor's page, by Stacey, K. (APMC 2012)
Tools of the trade, by Arnold, K. (APMC 2012)
Jabberwoky: The Complexities of Mathematical English, by Carter, M.; Quinnell, L. (APMC 2012)
Teaching with technology, by Attard, C.; Northcote, M. (APMC 2012)
What is a reasonable answer? Ways for students to investigate and develop their number sense, by Muir, T. (APMC 2012)
Professor's page, by Askew, M. (APMC 2012)
Australian Curriculum Linked Lessons, by Hurrell, D. (APMC 2012)
Engagement with mathematics: What does it mean and what does it look like?, by Attard, C. (APMC 2012)
Word Problem solving: A Schema approach in Year 3, by van Klinken, E. (APMC 2012)
What mathematics do adults really do in everyday life?, by Northcote, M.; McIntosh, A. (APMC 1999)
New Voices - Maths Monsters, Learning Trails, Games and Interventions, by Reinfeld, B.; Lountain, K.; Mellowship, D. (APMC 2008)
Equity, Mathematics and Classroom Practice: Developing Rich Mathematical Experiences for Disadvantaged Students, by Jorgensen (Zevenbergen), R.; Niesche, R. (APMC 2008)
Gifted Students and the Role of Mathematics Competitions, by Bicknell, B. (APMC 2008)

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